Instant Homemade Microwave Popcorn!

Here are some instructions I wrote up for making instant homemade microwave popcorn! Most credit goes to Grant Thompson ("Grant Thompson - The King Of Random" on youtube). Our version is the healthy version with no sugar.



What you need:

•salt - 1/2 tsp

•olive oil - 1 tsp

•sugar (optional, for kettle corn) - 1 tbsp

•kernels (like the ones you find in the grocery store) - 1/3 cup

•paper lunch bag


1. Pour the olive oil over the kernels.

2. Let it soak in for a couple of seconds.

3. Dump the kernels, oil, [sugar] and salt into the paper lunch bag.

4. Fold the top over 2 times and give it a crease.

5. Place the bag on a paper towel in a microwave.

6. Microwave it for about 2 minutes and 30 seconds, but that's just what works best in my microwave, so find out what time works best for you. You could also just wait until the time between pops slow to about 2-3 seconds.

7. Take the bag out and pour it into a big bowl.

8. Enjoy!

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Panda Club 2014